Meet Our Team

The Product Science Group is made of passionate product leaders with decades of experience across startups and enterprises.

Holly Hester-Reilly

Product Leader & Founder

Holly is the founder of Product Science Group. Holly was a product leader at MediaMath during their journey to becoming a unicorn and at Shutterstock in the years after their IPO. She has spent the last 15 years working with startups, high-growth companies, and enterprises.

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Dina Levitan

Product Manager & User Researcher

Dina is a product management and user research consultant with over a decade of experience in the tech industry. She's been an engineering leader at Google and product leader at venture-backed startups. She has Computer Science degrees from MIT and an MBA from University of Washington

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Mark Enache

Designer of all the digital things who strives towards experiences that bring people together on common ground, both within teams and with users.

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Let's Talk

I love to hear from executives and product leaders who want to build high-growth products, teams, and companies that can compete in today's fast-changing world.

Let's chat and see if we can work together.

Holly looking at camera